ARODS — Learner Assignments

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The assignment module allows you to upload evidence to assignments created by your coach. If you have evidence and want to coach to assess it, you can create your own assignment and upload the evidence. If you know which outcomes the evidence meets, you can map it.

A four-colour system is used to show the status of an assignment.

Amber is an assignment in progress, so you have until the assignment’s end date to upload evidence. Red is an overdue assignment. Blue means evidence has been uploaded and needs to be assessed by a coach. Green is a completed assignment.

Now, let’s look at option 1.


Adding Evidence to Coach-Created Assignments


In this example, we will click the red segment to upload evidence to an overdue assignment.

The assignment module allows you to upload evidence to assignments created by your coach. If you have evidence and want to coach to assess it, you can create your own assignment and upload the evidence. If you know which outcomes the evidence meets, you can map it.

Click on the red assignment bar to open the assignment.


Now, Click Add Evidence and add a description. Please add as many details as possible so the coach can understand the evidence.


If you have any web links to where the evidence is stored, such as a web page, Dropbox, or Google folder, click ‘+Web Link.


If you have a file to upload, click +Upload File.


PLEASE NOTE: You can add more than one weblink and upload multiple files. Your coach must have the appropriate shared access to the web links to view and download files.


The evidence is now uploaded. The Coach will receive a message via the ARODS inbox and an email advising them that evidence has been uploaded.


Now, let’s look at option 2.


Creating Your Own Assignment and Uploading Evidence


Click the Create Assignment button and “OK” on the popup.


In the second popup, select a coach the evidence is for. Then, enter your reason for creating the assignment and click Save.


Now scroll down to the assignment you created and click on the amber bar to open it.


Now, Click the Add Evidence icon and upload your evidence as explained previously.


Now, let’s look at option 3.


Mapping Outcomes, Creating Your Own Assignment, and Uploading Evidence


If you know which outcomes the evidence should be mapped to, select the outcomes first.


This Training Plan comprises 7 sections. Most sections have sub-levels that list the outcomes that need to be evidenced.


Click the ‘Open All/Close All‘ link to open and close the levels.


You can filter the outcomes to make them easier to find. In this instance, I want to see only outstanding outcomes.


Having filtered the outcomes, I can download a PDF and the evidence for offline viewing if available.


For this demonstration, I filtered to display only outstanding outcomes and select only one. However, you have the option to choose more.


Now, Click ‘Map Evidence.’

Now, you can create an assignment and upload evidence to the assignment, as explained previously.

Useful Features

Deleting Assignments

Select one or multiple assignments and click ‘Delete Assignment.’

Deleting Evidence

Click the ‘Delete’ icon next to the evidence you want to delete.

Feedback & Messages

Click the ‘Feedback’ icon next to the appropriate evidence to read and send messages to your Coach.

The messages editor has a similar functionality to the Microsoft Word editor. You can add links and upload files. Feel free to check out its capabilities.

The number of unread messages appears here.

In addition to emails, you will see unread messages here.

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