Apprentice Management System

RPL Calculator (Skills Scan) INCLUDED in our FREE Standard Subscription.

Manage apprenticeships, pre-apprenticeships, T-level, and industry placements all in one place.

Affordable Apprentice Management System.

Revolutionise your apprenticeship delivery with ARODS, the cutting-edge AI-powered Training Provider System that’s both affordable and comprehensive. ARODS Apprentice Management System empowers your management team to:

• Gain crystal-clear insights into your operations
• Bridge the gap between strategy and execution
• Optimise your business performance

“Revolutionise Your Apprenticeship Management with ARODS:

Unlock Exclusive Features:

• Industry-First Built-in RPL Calculator
• Unbeatable FREE Standard Subscription
• Game-Changing use of autonomous AI for quantitative analysis to forecast timely completion with 95% accuracy.


Transform Your Entire Apprenticeship Journey:

1. Seamless Application Processing
2. Smart PRL Management
3. Automated Off-the-Job Training Tracking
4. Dynamic Course Scheduling
5. Interactive 2-Way Progress Reviews
6. Intelligent Assignment and Evidence Management
7. EPA Preparation Made Simple

PLUS: Comprehensive Solutions for Pre-Apprenticeships, Work Experience, T-Levels, and Industry Placements!

Experience the future of apprenticeship management. Choose ARODS and watch your efficiency soar, costs plummet, and compliance worries vanish. Join the revolution today!”

ARODS Apprentice Management System delivers:

• Real-time monitoring and issue identification
• Reduced administrative burden
• Ensured eSFA and Ofsted compliance
• More time for quality training and support
• Increased timely completions
• Enhanced customer satisfaction
• Accelerated business growth

Experience the ARODS Apprentice Management System advantage today and transform your apprenticeship delivery. Our free plan requires only a simple link to our website – a small gesture for immense value.

Manage Apprentices With Ease

Apprentice Applications

The apprentice’s journey starts with an application.  ARODS makes this process simple and easy to use.

Our application form covers all of the statutory requirements.  The Learner can complete the form online directly on your website or you can email them a link.

This is a completely paperless system and your onboarding team will be notified instantly of new applications.


Recognition of Prior Learning

Competitors charge ridiculous fees to use their RPL system.  RPL is built into the ARODS system and you can use it completely FREE OF CHARGE!

Design your own RPL forms and have Learners complete them online.  The entire system is paperless and automated.

On receiving the form your onboarding team can instantly identify non-viable applications or where discounts need to be applied.


A completely paperless system.  Students record their OTJT hours online.  ARODS early warning system automatically notifies you that OTJT targets are not met.


Progress Reviews

Schedule one or recurring progress reviews in an instant.  Book progress reviews in advance.  Employers, tutors and students input.  Ask the right questions and make sure you are eSFA and OFSTED compliant.



Create dynamic assignments to capture evidence and assign them to your students. Monitor progress and keep a journal of all messages and feedback ready for OFSTED audit.


Course Schedules

Need to create a 10-week course?  No problem!  Create one and allocate it to your cohorts in a few minutes.  With a built-in attendance register, we have you covered all the way!


Manager Control

Real-time displays mean Centre Managers can monitor the progress of all your tutors and apprentices and instantly identify underperforming areas of the delivery process. 

No more waiting for weekly or monthly reports.  Everything you need to manage all of your delivery processes in one place.


Simplify Your Apprentice Management System Solution

ARODS Apprenticeship Management System & Software Solution is Training Provider Software You Must Check Out!

Apprentice Management System

Designed by RoATP experienced developers, ready for your workflow

AI Monitoring

Meet Ainsley, your dedicated AI assistant for Centre Managers, available 365 days a year! Ainsley proactively monitors delivery challenges, ensuring your team stays on track with progress reviews. Plus, it helps learners submit their evidence-gathering assignments on time, boosting productivity and accountability. Experience the seamless support of Ainsley and transform your team's efficiency today!

Real-time Information

Unlock the power of ARODS: Your all-in-one apprenticeship solution designed with ESFA and Ofsted-recommended 'Best Practice' at its core. Every feature is purposeful, ensuring maximum efficiency and compliance.

Seamless Collaboration

Experience seamless accessibility with ARODS Apprentice Management System ! Our platform is fully web-enabled, allowing your team to connect instantly from anywhere, on any device—be it PC, mobile, iOS, Android, Windows, Unix, or any web browser. Effortlessly store Apprenticeship Standards Evidence on your preferred web-enabled platforms, including YouTube, Dropbox, iCloud, Google Drive, and many more!

Easy To Implement & Learn

ARODS Apprentice Management System is specifically designed to streamline administrative tasks, making your workflow effortless. Effortlessly capture evidence to meet apprenticeship standards with ease. Our user-friendly interface focuses on simplifying the delivery process, ensuring a smooth experience for everyone involved!

Simple To Use & Implement

Explicitly designed to reduce administration effort, ARODS keeps things simple. Make the process of capturing evidence to meet apprenticeship standards a breeze. ARODS Apprentice Management System is an easy-to-learn user interface that concentrates on making the delivery process as easy as possible.

Cost Saving!

Unlock substantial savings on your current expenses! Inquire about our exclusive 'new customer' special offers. Experience reduced administrative tasks, minimised travel, and streamlined printing, all while enhancing information exchange—saving you both time and money.

Apprentice Management System

* Guaranteed Saving on Your Current ePortfolio Costs *

Choose your plan

  • Apprenticeship Learner Records
  • Pre-apprenticeship, T-Level, Industry Placements Learners
  • Learner Apprenticeship Applications
  • Off-the-job-training
  • 3-way Progress Reviews
  • Evidence Assignments
  • Evidence Web Links
  • Upload Evidence Files
  • Learner RPL Submissions
  • Create RPLs Forms
  • Process RPLs
  • Ainsley AI Integration
  • Apprenticeship Standards Integration
  • Mass Messaging
  • Internal/External Messaging
  • Staff Registrations
  • Learner Resouces
  • Employer Registrations
  • Dashboard
  • Create Course Schedules
  • Learner Application Integration
  • Learner RPL Integration
  • Historical Data
  • eSFA August 2022 Compliant
  • Secure Cloud Hosting
  • Multi-platform Access
  • Enhanced Security & Data Protections
  • Website Link to ARODS


  • 50
    New customers can register up to 50 Free learner registrations. Upgrade to the PLATINUM subscription to increase this number. Offer & Terms subject to change.
  • 50
    New customers can register up to 50 Free learner registrations. Upgrade to the PLATINUM subscription to increase this number. Offer & Terms subject to change.
  • 100
    New customers can process up to 100 RPLs completely free of charge. Upgrade to the PLATINUM subscription to process more. Offer & Terms subject to change.
  • Unlimited
  • Partial
    Contact us if you need full AI implementation
  • 4
    1 x Centre Manager & 1 x Onboarding & 2 x Tutors. Upgrade to PLATINUM subscription to register unlimited users. Offer & Terms subject to change.
  • Unlimited
  • All Modules
  • Data removed after each subscription year
  • Mandatory
    To continue using the free subcription, you must add a link to on your website. We will provide the logo and url.


  • Let us know how many apprenticeship learners you wish to register each subscription year, and we will tailor a fee specifically for you.
  • Let us know how many pre-apprenticeships, T-level, and industry placements learners you wish to register each subscription year, and we will tailor a fee specifically for you.
  • Fair Usage
    As a rough guide you can process double the number of RPL forms as the number of Learners you have signed up for. Contact us if you need an increased RPL forms quota for your subscription.
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited
  • All Modules
  • Data for each subscription year is stored and accessible for up to six years.
  • Optional
    Add a link to the ARODS website and spread the word. Increasing subscribers will enable us to maintain our competitive pricing.

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