Apprenticeship Skills Scan / RPL

Apprenticeship Skills Scan - Use Our Free Bronze Plan! *

ARODS is eSFA 2024 apprenticeship funding rules Compliant.

Exclusive Offer: Free Skills Scan System

eSFA 2024 Update – Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Comprehensive Skills Assessment for Adult Apprentices

From August 2024, apprentices aged 19 and above, training providers are now mandated to conduct a thorough and systematic skills scan. This assessment is designed to:

  • Evaluate existing knowledge, skills, and behaviours
  • Compare current competencies against the relevant apprenticeship standard
  • Identify gaps in learning and areas for development
  • Ensure the apprenticeship builds upon prior experiences

Tailored Apprenticeship Programs

The recognition of prior learning enables providers to create bespoke apprenticeship programs that:

  • Address individual learning needs more effectively
  • Eliminate redundant training, saving time and resources
  • Focus on developing new skills and knowledge
  • Potentially reduce the duration of the apprenticeship
  • Enhance engagement by acknowledging the apprentice’s existing expertise

Benefits of RPL Implementation

  1. Increased efficiency in training delivery
  2. Improved apprentice satisfaction and motivation
  3. Better alignment with employer needs and expectations
  4. Enhanced value for money in apprenticeship funding
  5. Accelerated progression for experienced apprentices

Compliance and Quality Assurance

Training providers must:

  • Document the RPL process thoroughly
  • Adjust the content and duration of the apprenticeship accordingly
  • Ensure the integrity of the apprenticeship standard is maintained
  • Regularly review and update their RPL procedures

By implementing a robust RPL system, the apprenticeship program becomes more responsive, efficient, and tailored to individual needs, ultimately leading to better outcomes for apprentices, employers, and the wider skills ecosystem.

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ARODS Skills Scan System

Try it & See if You Like It!

With no paperwork to sign and an account set up almost instantly. You can discover how easy the Skills Scan system is to set up and use. If you like it use it. If it's not for you, don't use it. Why pay hefty fees when you can use the ARODS FREE Skill Scan System? - If you want huge cost savings, consider using the other ARODS apprenticeship management modules. OTJT, Progress Reviews, Assignments, IQA are just some of the modules avalable.

Save Effort & Time

You don't need to schedule 'drop-in' appointments. Applicants can complete their Skills Scan remotely at their convenience. Say goodbye to complicated spreadsheet creation and distribution issues. Set your Skills Scan assessment criteria upfront, and rest assured that your team will quickly identify suitable candidates and learning needs. Your onboarding team can track the Skills Scan process from start to finish, ensuring a smooth and efficient evaluation of each applicant's existing knowledge and capabilities.

OFSTED & eSFA Compliance

The ARODS free Skills Scan System is a rock-solid way to prove you have a Skills Scan process within your organisation. Download reports instantly to show completed application forms and applied discounts. Check out the eSFA RPL Guidance

Real-Time Data

Centre managers can monitor the Skills Scan process in real-time, allowing them to identify completed and approved forms and those still in progress. Any modifications to the structure or content of an apprenticeship Skills Scan are immediately accessible to the entire onboarding team, ensuring seamless coordination and up-to-date information for all involved parties.

Free RPL Funding Calculator - Skills Scan
Apprenticeship Skills Scan

Choose your plan

  • Learner RPL Submissions
  • Create RPLs Forms
  • Process RPLs
  • Delete RPLs
  • Modify RPLs
  • Apprenticeship Standards Integration
  • Staff Seats
  • Dashboard
  • Historical Data
  • eSFA August 2022 Compliant
  • Secure Cloud Hosting
  • Multi-platform Access
  • Enhanced Security & Data Protections
  • Internal/External Messaging
  • Website Link To ARODS


  • 100
    New customers can process 100 Free unique learner RPL submissions. Upgrade to the SILVER subscription to allow more RPL submissions. Offer & Terms subject to change.
  • Unlimited
  • 100
    New customers can process 100 Free unique learner RPL submissions. Upgrade to the SILVER subscription to allow more RPL submissions. Offer & Terms subject to change.
  • 1 x Centre Manager & 1 x Onboarding
  • RPL Only
  • Data removed after each subscription year
  • Mandatory


  • Tell us how many learner RPL submissions you want to process each year and we will set a fee specifically for you.
  • Unlimited
    Create an unlimited number of RPL Skill scan forms to suit each of the apprenticeships you deliver. Choose from 1500+ templates or create your own form.
  • Unlimited
  • Unlimited (Centre Manager & Onboarding)
  • RPL Only
  • Data is stored and accessible for up to six years.
  • Optional

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